아름다운 이야기 (Beautiful Story)

"Emotional resilience"

페이지 정보

작성자 PastorLee 작성일20-08-07 18:05 조회9,822회 댓글0건


이 글은 우리교회가 속한 북지방(North District) 사무실에서 Change Manager로 섬기는 메리 데니스 목사님의 말씀묵상내용입니다. 사역자들을 대상으로 전한 말씀이지만 내용이 좋아서 여기에 올려드립니다. 내용은, 이 팬데믹 기간에 살며 사역하면서 사람들이 가질 수 있는 어려움들을 이해하고, 각 사람마다 본인의 정서적인 회복(Emotional resilience)을 위해 할 수 있는 일들을 찾아보자는 것입니다. 그 방법으로, “Journaling, Self-compassion, Regarding gratitude, 그리고 hope" 등을 실천해 보자고 제안합니다.  



God will direct you. You will be able to endure. Exodus 18:23


When asked to describe myself while meeting someone new or for an interview, the word ‘resilient’ is usually on my list. After all, I’ve had my share of life’s twists and turns leading to heartache, disappointment, grief and survived. Who among us hasn’t? Even so, this pandemic is starting to wear on me.


Most of us have been sheltering at home for nearly six months. As a single person, the months of isolation, the disappointment of not being able to connect with loved ones in person, and the realization that this could easily go on for many more months is starting to take its toll.


On Saturday, I realized that I needed to get my emotional resilience groove back. Perhaps I just need to go to Resilience Boot Camp! Maybe you feel the same way, too? The next day, a related article popped up in one of my favorite blogs, Sunday Paper by Maria Shriver, a childhood friend. Sarah Goff-Dupont-Atlassianis’ article is called 4 Daily Practices That Foster Emotional Resilience.


Isn’t that just like God to put that article in my hands just when I needed a boost? I found it to be very helpful and I thought you might agree, so I will summarize it here.


Emotional resilience (ER) is “the ability to experience something stressful without letting it destroy your resolve, sense of purpose, or hopes for the future.”


The benefits of developing our emotional resilience include: being able to acknowledge and metabolize negative feelings instead of locking them away or being overwhelmed by them; having a stronger work (ministry)-life balance by increasing our ability to navigate challenging situations successfully; and being more productive because it enables us to become better problem solvers when challenges arise. In addition, cultivating ER helps regulate our stress levels and keeps our immune system responsive.


Interested? Then, join me at the ER Boot Camp and practice two of four things daily this week, then add the other two next week. The practices are: journaling; self-compassion; gratitude; and hope. Now, I’m pretty sure that you have tried these practices before but the greatest benefit and spiritual power comes from doing all of them regularly.


Consider journaling. Capture some reflections from each day on paper, in a computer log, or do voice recordings. Journaling is my fall back when I’m going through a rough time. It allows me to get it all out there and subsequently, leads to new insights. Oftentimes, the practice of journaling leads me to a deeper understanding of the circumstances and of myself.


Self-compassion is about resisting the urge to pass judgement on ourselves and treating ourselves with the same kindness we show to others. It’s about forgiving ourselves when we mess up, considering what the lesson is for us so we can avoid making the same mistake, and having the faith that we’ll get through it.


Regarding gratitude, we already know that feeling grateful for all the good things in our lives helps us deal with the bad things. Science tells us that with a daily gratitude practice, our neuropathways get stronger, resulting in more sustained feelings of contentment. So, let’s find a way to share something that we are grateful for each day. You could even combine the practice of journaling with this one and create a gratitude journal. How’s that for multitasking!


Now, hope isn’t as much a practice as a state of being that helps us stay optimistic in the face of adversity. Joy ignites hope. So does escaping to nature, enjoying a hobby and spending time with someone you love. By celebrating victories along the way, we can create a sense of momentum as we journey through life.


As Christians, we have hope based on our faith. This is a time to hold onto our faith that God is in control, Jesus wants the best for us and the Holy Spirit will guide us to a better tomorrow. When we pour our hearts out in prayer, we are heard. God answers prayer and enables us to get through this together. Like Esther, remember that God chose us for such a time as this and the Spirit will see us through.


Check in with me from time to time and let me know how your ER Boot Camp is going.


Grace and peace,


Pastor Mary Dennis

North District Change Manager

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